Saturday, January 10, 2009

A New Blog

I have created a new blog to cover the political aspects of my writing.  My original idea of this blog was a place for me to ramble on about personal thoughts and ideas but it has become a dumping ground for my political frustrations.  So I have decided to create a stand-alone place for my political issues.

This idea came to me the other day one my way to work as my mind wandered around and my body focused on driving.  It sounded like a great idea however I told myself I needed to come up with an interesting name for the new blog that would capture the intent of the blog but be unique and easy to remember. A name that people could identify with.  I came up with Polithobbyist (pronounced Polly-thoby-ist) or political hobbyist. The blog is about politics and my understanding of politics is nothing more than as a hobbyist.  I figured it fit and it was definitely unique.

I have copied over all the political posts from this blog and have added some new ones so lease check it out.  Plus the comment part works over there.  Check it out; I think you will be pleased.

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