Saturday, October 11, 2008

O'Reilly was right, Barney Frank is to Blame!

While we’re not out of this mess yet, the investigative dust is starting to settle.  In the Wall Street Journal article Blame Fannie Mae and Congress For the Credit Mess, Charles W. Calomiris and Peter J. Wallison do a great job outlining how we got into this mess.  It seems that back when we had a Republican controlled congress some fairly savvy congressmen saw this looming disaster and tried to enact legislation to stop it.  Well they were unable to pass the proposals due to staunch partisan Democrat opposition centering around their socialist attitude towards financial equality.  The Democrat scheme to increase sub-prime loans as a method to create “affordable housing” would have been stopped by this bill or at least would have added some sanity to the lending practice.  After the power swap as a result of the last election, the Republicans concern on this matter was squelched and the impending Democrat created train-wreck that we’re dealing with now is the result. 

As I said in my earlier post, there’s little we can do at out levels to make a difference in how we proceed.  The one thing we have, the one thing we should cherish is our vote.  You cannot imagine how important your one vote is.  We need to vote these idiots out of power so we can get some sanity back in our government.  Who voted to create this mess?  Who sat there in those hearings a few years ago and said there wasn’t a problem?  As the flashlight of blame focuses its beam who will be highlighted the most?  Those are the folks that we should be removing and the first one to leave should be Barney Frank.  I ask you right now Mr. Frank, resign your position and take responsibility for your action.  You should be in prison for the mess you have created for the rest of us in this country to clean up.

In the article they talk about folks on both sides of this fight.  Yes, both candidates are mentioned; John McCain tried to get the legislation passed, Barack Obama did his normal and sat on the sidelines doing nothing. There’s a few other names mentioned but I would assume that all of the current Democrat leadership is responsible as well as some Republicans.  I haven’t had time to research the names but when I find them I will post them so we can boot these folks so they don’t ruin our future any more.  Fiscal conservatism is bi-partisan and an attribute claimed by both sides of the fence.  We need that attitude back in Washington. 

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