Monday, September 22, 2008

Book Banning! Holy Crap it's Fahrenheit 451 all over!

So what is the temperature at which liberals burn?  Well it seems that it's pretty much whatever they want it to be.  In their latest attempt to bring down Sarah Palin, they've resulted to creationism. Creating lies that is; read on...
As I watched FOXnews this afternoon they had a few talking heads on to discuss the election. And, as usual, the discussion turns to how bad Gov Palin will be for the country and how her track record supports their point.  This time the brought up an event early on in the Governor's Mayoral stint in Wasilla when she asked a question of the city librarian concerning some books people had had "issues" with.  This story originally ran in the Anchorage Daily News on Sept 4th, 2008 and outlined events that had happened 12 years earlier.  The story tries to repeatedly find a connection between a discussion at a city council meeting between then Mayor Palin and the librarian and a supposed request from the Mayors office for the librarians resignation.  Well as I've said many times there's a lot more to this than what this left wing rag wants you to think.
After more research I found an article from a more conservative Blog regarding the incident. Michelle Malkin wrote an opposing article concerning the incident and it seems did a better job of putting the events in a more balanced light.  She even went so far as to post the list of the supposed planned books to be banned.  Here's the problem; some of the books on the list weren't even published at the time the events happened. Wow, how could that be?  I'm sure that couldn't have been that gullible to be taken in like this.  Well they never actually posted the list, this was found out later on when some of the original sources where pressed a little harder. It seems the lists is from a group at the Florida Institute of Technology and has nothing what so ever to do with Governor Palin.  Yes it's a group against banning book but I don't think there's a FIT-Wasilla, AK connection.  
So what is the bottom line here?  I suspect that this all started because someone got their feelings hurt because she was asked to resign.  Then, the anti-McCain/Palin crowd latched onto it trying to twist it somehow to make the Republican candidate look like a jack-booted Nazi thug.  This is a tired tactic that doesn't work on the educated voter.  The writers use fear mongering to create a disingenuous account of events and their actions are downright despicable.  Shame on them.
No, Ray Bradbury's vision of the future isn't coming.  No, we don't have a new Hitler running in the election.  No Mrs. Palin isn't the anti-christ.  And no, the apocalypse isn't going to happen if the Republicans get elected.  So don't let the chicken-little liberal get away with this smear campaign; be an educated voter, do some research and make up your own mind.

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