Tomorrow I get the privilege of doing my civic duty by participating in jury duty. Now I will be wearing my uniform, which I think is the reason why I always get excused, but it doesn't mean I don't want to sit on a jury. When I was 19 I sat on a jury in Colorado to try a case where a Dentist was accused of shop lifting. We ended up as a hung jury but it was a fun 5 days none the less. I hope tomorrow I get to experience this again and for almost the same reasons. Participating in a jury is one of the unique things a democracy offers their citizens. I will enjoy the fact that I get to help out in our system and preserve the freedom we have to be tried by a jury of our peers. I don't have any peers I know of that are criminals but you know what I mean. So whether my service to our community is long like it was the last time, or short since they don't want an active duty person on a trial, I will do my duty proudly and to the best of my ability.
16 years ago
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