On my way home from work today I caught a snipit from Hannity regarding the ousting of writer Jerome Corsi from Kenya. Mr Corsi was in Kenya researching facts for his book "The Obama Nation" and apparently stepped on a few toes and was "asked" to leave. So what was the problem? What was mr Corsi researching? Well during the interview Mr Corsi went on to tell Sean that he was researching the connection between Senator Barack Obama and Mr Raila Odinga, the Prime Minister of Kenya. Sounds legitimate enough right? Well as usual once you peal the onion, things start getting a disconcerting. Here is a Youtube video of a CNN broadcast regarding Mr Odinga:
The video explains fairly well that Mr Odinga reputation isn't the best in the world but that's the way things are in some parts of the world. You have to ask yourself though, do we want that type of action here in the United States? Check out Mr Odinga's own website: Don't worry to much with the rhetoric but look at what's written, doesn't this look eerily like Obama's campagn adds? Change Change Change! Mr Corsi told Sean Hannity that there where high level communications between Mr Odinga's 2007 campaign and Senator Obama's campaign. I think it's probably so, the proof is all over both of their slogans and talking points. So what else did Mr Obama learn from Odinga? How about the aftermath when Odinga lost the election? There's already talk of this possibility; after last nights debate James Carvel on CNN expressed this very concern.
16 years ago
1 Reader Comments:
I too heard the report with Hannity and Corsi and was relieved to finally hear these words aired on a national broadcast.
More on Odinga and Obama's phone conversations here.
I followed the connection between Obama and Odinga and the events of January online (read this dated entry Odinga and Obama both Luo:
"We are Taliban" )- the American msm avoided the story like the plague - the violence perpetrated by Odinga's gangs upon children and families burned together in their churches. This video link
Barack Obama & Raila Odinga
finally provides images - months after the fact. Just like Rawanda, reporters were there, the UN was aware . . .ethnic and religious cleansing took place anyway.
It could have been avoided . . .remember this report?
from UK's Guardian?
Weeks before the presidential and parliamentary elections, the local media reported mass purchases of pangas, or machetes, from supermarkets.
And Obama remained in contact with this barbarian? Even encouraged him . . .dear God, and there remains a chance that Obama will be our next president? With judgement like this?
Despite the obvious evil, Condi and the UN and the EU all suggested that democratic elections be damned, appease the barbarians to avoid further bloodshed . . .even Bush and Condi suggested that the freely elected Kibaki negotiate a 'shared' power structure!
Quote: "Asked in a Reuters interview whether Kibaki and Odinga should share power, Bush said: “I believe that they have an opportunity to come together in some kind of arrangement that will help heal the wounds of a closely divided election.” The European Union urged them to form a coalition government. "
Just imagine having foreign nations demand that Kerry or Gore share power with Bush - or Obama and McCain for that matter - in a contested election.
It appears the only impetus necessary for such an outcome, is islamic inspired bloodshed in exchange for promises of sharia concessions (see Odinga's Memorandum of Understanding).
Combine more than two decades of hate inspiring black liberation rhetoric of Reverend Wright & anti-white, anti-semetic Louis Farakkhan, the re-education camps and explosive ambitions/experiences of Ayers and Dohrn & their Weather Underground cohorts, the varied and expanding financial links to middle eastern/anti-American/pro-sharia interests - with the current democratic candidate . Add a global media industry fully engaged in pro-Obama advocacy under the guise of anti-racism memes.
A recipe for political pandemonium.
How can our military accept to have Obama as a Commander In Chief when he was introduced to politics by people who bombed the Pentagon?
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